FlowPipe Frequently Asked Questions

The questions that are generally asked about FlowPipe:

  • What is FlowPipe? It's a revolutionary device that helps you extract over 95% of the fuel from your above ground tank. It also prevents sludge and slime buildup, improving fuel efficiency and extending the life of your tank.
  • How does FlowPipe work? Utilizing a unique shape and a pump to create a powerful suction effect. This draws out the fuel leaving your tank virtually empty.
  • What kind of tanks does FlowPipe work with? It's compatible with most above ground fuel tanks, including those made of steel, fiberglass, and polyethylene.
  • Is FlowPipe easy to install? Yes! It attaches directly to your existing inlet adapter, similar to your standard downtube. No modification to a standard HAST tank with a 2" threaded opening is required.
  • Does it require electricity? No, it is a passive device that utilizes your pump technology without needing external power.

Fuel Efficiency and Savings:

  • How much fuel can I save? You can save up to 15% of your fuel by using FlowPipe, compared to traditional downtube, draw tube, suction tube, that leaves behind a guaranteed 10% of fuel inside your tank.
  • Will it pay for itself? The fuel savings you gain can quickly offset the initial cost of the device, especially if you have a high fuel consumption.
  • Does FlowPipe improve fuel efficiency? Yes, by removing sludge and slime build-up that can clog filters and reduce engine performance, It can potentially improve fuel efficiency.

Maintenance and Durability:

  • How often does FlowPipe need cleaning? It requires no maintenance. Its unique design prevents clogging, and occasional inspection is sufficient.
  • How long will FlowPipe last? It is made from high-quality materials and is built to last for years. Its passive design reduces wear and tear, ensuring longevity.
  • Do I need to replace any parts of FlowPipe? No regular replacement parts. If used correctly, it should function effectively for a long time.

Environmental Impact:

  • How does FlowPipe help the environment? By reducing fuel waste, It minimizes the risk of spills and contributes to a cleaner environment.
  • Is FlowPipe made from eco-friendly materials? It is manufactured using environmentally responsible practices and materials. We prioritize sustainability in our production process.

Additional Information:

  • Where can I buy FlowPipe? You can purchase it through our website, authorized retailers, or directly from our company.
  • Does FlowPipe offer a warranty? Yes, It comes with a limited lifetime warranty that covers manufacturing defects.
  • Can I get any more information? For more information, please visit our website or contact us directly. We are happy to answer any questions you may have.

We hope this FAQ has been helpful in addressing your questions about FlowPipe. Feel free to reach out if you have any further inquiries!  sales@theflowpipe.com

FlowPipe Frequently Asked Questions

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